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How to withdraw in indaHash Coin (IDH)?
How to withdraw in indaHash Coin (IDH)?

If you’re interested in how to withdraw in indaHash Coin (IDH) this article will explain how to do it.

Aleksandra Tytus avatar
Written by Aleksandra Tytus
Updated over a week ago

So by now you’ve most likely seen the option to withdraw in indaHash Coin (IDH), and you’re probably wondering how to do it. Here’s how! 

indaHash Coin (IDH) is a cryptocurrency and more specifically an ERC20 token. After completing campaigns in the indaHash app, choosing to withdraw in indaHash Coin (IDH) enables numerous benefits such as the possibility of having indaHash Coin (IDH) immediately transferred to your wallet with the possibility of further use or encashing! Furthermore, there is also no minimum withdraw amount, and your pay rate is increased by 20%!

Because indaHash Coin (IDH) is an ERC20 token, you have to store it on a wallet that supports ERC20 tokens. For example Myetherwallet (desktop) or Trust Wallet (mobile), which we recommend for their user-friendliness!

Once you have your new ERC20 compatible wallet address, just follow the steps in the indaHash app’s MONEY section to complete the withdrawal. We’ve created a guide to help ensure that everything is done in a correct and safe way. If you need any help, please feel free to use our dedicated contact info at the bottom of the page. Check out the step-by-step guide below!

First in the MONEY section, click “WITHDRAW (IDH)”:

Then you will see where you can confirm checkbox and enter your (new) ERC20 token compatible wallet address:

We recommend to copy and paste your wallet address (beginning in “0x”… followed by 20 bytes -> 40 digits) as if there is a mistake, the transaction may be irreversible! Enter your wallet address, tap the box to accept the terms and conditions and click “Order payment” (Please do not use the ERC20 token compatible wallet address in the image below. It is used to example purposes only. Remember to use the specific wallet address that you have created in your ERC20 token compatible wallet for deposits of indaHash Coin (IDH)):

You’ll then see the confirmation screen below:

Congratulations! Once you have your wallet address saved in the indaHash app, you won’t have to create another wallet and you can withdraw in indaHash Coin (IDH) with a few clicks. It’s that easy!

Important tips:

For some wallets, like Myetherwallet, you’ll need to add indaHash Coin (IDH) as a custom token for it to be visible there. You’ll need the following parameters to add indaHash Coin (IDH):
CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0x5136C98A80811C3f46bDda8B5c4555CFd9f812F0

For other other wallets, like Trust Wallet, you may only need to type in “indaHash Coin” in the search bar to add it to your wallet. 

Please remember that you cannot use an address from a crypto exchange. It must be an ERC20 token compatible wallet address. Feel free to contact us if you are not sure about your wallet address so that we can help ensure everything is OK for the transfer to be made.

Need more help? 

If you have any questions about indaHash Coin (IDH), please feel free to contact us at or reach out to us on our official indaHash Coin Telegram chat at!

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